It’s the time of year for gift giving, and many people include their pets in this tradition.  Here are some safe, fun suggestions for making Fido and Fluffy part of this holiday season:

  • Personalized ID tags or collars with your contact information on them are a great way to help make sure your pet makes it home if it ever becomes lost.
  • Sign up for doggy daycare a few days a week, obedience classes, or a membership to a local dog park.  The extra exercise and interaction will be much appreciated!
  • Chose an interactive gift such as a treat-dispensing toy or a laser pointer.  Gifts like these will keep them busy for hours on end!
  • Been putting off that dental cleaning? Have you been meaning to buy heartworm prevention for awhile?  While these are not the most fun gifts, chances are that your pet will benefit from them more than that fancy new toy.
  • If you choose to stuff your pet’s stocking with toys and treats, be sure that the treats are enjoyed in moderation and that toys are safe with no small pieces that may be swallowed.  Also, be sure to choose toys and treats that are the appropriate size for your pet.
  • Consider making a donation to a local shelter or rescue.  Chances are your pet already has everything it needs and won’t miss unwrapping a silly toy or treat.  Things like blankets and towels, food, and litter are greatly appreciated by organizations that help animals.