Dental cleaning is important for all of our furry friends.  But did you know that cats are predisposed to several conditions besides periodontal disease that dogs do not experience?  These make dental examinations and cleanings even more important for our feline companions.

Feline gingivostomatitis is a condition in which the cat’s body becomes allergic to the plaque around the teeth.   Affected cats develop very painful swellings in the mouth that can cause difficulty eating and even grooming.  Many treatments exist may be tried, however often the most effective treatment is removal of all or most of the teeth.

Over half of kitties over the age of six will experience feline oral resorptive lesions.  This painful condition results when normal cells in the tooth called odontoblasts create holes in the tooth near the gumline similar to a cavity.  As these progress they can become infected and excruciatingly painful. The underlying cause for feline tooth resorption is unknown at this time.  Cats with this problem may show pain, exhibit drooling, bleeding from the mouth, or have difficulty eating. Treatment may include removing all or part of the affected teeth.

By allowing your veterinarian to perform recommended dental procedures these problems can be addressed early, allowing your cat to spend more time thinking about his catnip mouse and less time about a painful tooth.